Man typing on calculator.
Savings Account

Start saving now and get a head start to your future

Savings Account Highlights

Available in multiple currencies
Available for joint account holders
Seamless access with a Debit Card
Linked Debit Card
Safer than cash and cheques
Things you should know
Minimum age of 21 years old
Egyptian citizens and foreign nationals
What people ask
How do I get my IBAN details?

Please click here to generate your IBAN. for any assistance contact your Relationship Manager or call our 24-hour Contact Center at 16555.

How do I block my Debit Card?

You need to contact our 24-hour Contact Center to block your card incase it is lost or stolen. Contact us.

Select between our wide range of flexible and simple accounts
Take care of all your transactions in an instant, manage your payments and pay all your bills on time.
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