get in touch with the world and perform your global transaction banking with us
FABMISR Global Transaction Banking

We incorporate all areas of expertise to facilitate

transactional activities both domestically and globally


helping you manage your cash

Cash Management Solutions

Track and manage your business’ financial flows, inside and outside, with FABMISR’s Cash Management Solutions that will allow you to accurately forecast and budget your cash flow needs.

Our diverse range of cash management products, including payment solutions and collections, will help you manage your payment needs and cash flows.

  • Account services
  • Payment services
  • Collection services
  • Liquidity management
  • Escrow management
man working on his laptop

Trade Finance

Our global network and in-depth local experience make us a reliable partner in the region for trade finance.

Our solutions will enable you to:

  • Control risks and increase the operational efficiency in your supply chain
  • Improve working capital to meet the financial requirements
  • Increase visibility on your trade flows
  • Manage cash flows and foreign exchange needs associated with your trade transactions

Corporate and Investment Banking

Global Transaction Banking encompasses all areas of expertise and services aimed at facilitating transaction activities locally and globally.